Search Particulate matter

Pollucheck v1.0: A Package to Explore Open-Source Air Pollution Data- Publications

Air pollution impacts human health, quality of living, climate, and the economy (Hystad et al.

Indoor and Ambient Air Pollution in Chennai, India during COVID-19 Lockdown: An Affordable Sensors Study- Publications

The Tamil Nadu Air Pollution and Health Effects study (TAPHE-2) aims to evaluate the relationship between air pollution and birth outcome in a rural-urban cohort of 300 pregnant women.

Emission Inventory and Pollution Reduction Strategies for Bengaluru- Publications

Growing air pollution poses a serious health risk in India.

Identification of Polluting Sources for Bengaluru – Source Apportionment Study- Publications

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Government of India, launched the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) in 2019, with the aim to improve air-quality levels in non-attainment cities.

Win-win Transportation Strategies for India: Linking Air Pollution and Climate Mitigation- Publications

This article analyzes road transport in India to explore linkages between air pollution and climate change policies in the transportation sector.

Performance Assessment of Low-Cost PM2.5 Sensors- Publications

Air pollution monitoring is an important aspect of air quality management.

Particulate Air Pollution in Durban: Characteristics and Its Relationship With 1 Km Resolution Satellite Aerosol Optical Depth- Publications

Investigations on the characteristics of air pollution in African regions are fewer compared to other parts of the world.

Can Active Mobility Revive the Garden City?- Publications

Vehicles contribute to around 68% of Bengaluru's particulate matter of 10 microns or less (PM10) emissions.

Mapping air pollution in Bengaluru using low-cost sensors and mobile monitoring data- Publications

To effectively manage air pollution, we need to measure it accurately and at high spatial resolution.

Bengaluru 2030: Impact of EVs on Vehicular Emissions- Publications

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are a direct cause of human-induced climate change.

PRESS RELEASE - Bengaluru 2030: Impact of EVs on Vehicular Emissions- Publications

The on-road vehicle stock in Bengaluru is expected to grow by 1.

PRESS RELEASE - Mapping Bengaluru’s air pollution using hybrid monitoring methods- Publications

The study conducted by the Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) employed a hybrid measurement approach to generate high-resolution air pollution maps.

Seasonally optimized calibrations improve low-cost sensor performance: long-term field evaluation of PurpleAir sensors in urban and rural India- Publications

Lower-cost air pollution sensors can fill critical air quality data gaps in India, which experiences very high fine particulate matter (PM2.

Breathing in Bengaluru: Building a greener city with eMaaS- Publications

Bengaluru is witnessing alarmingly high pollution levels, with particulate matter (PM) levels reaching at least 5 times over the permissible limits by the World Health Organisation (WHO).